On Duty Training
So as to advance teachers’ specialty literacy, accelerate the professional development of the teaching body as well as further improve the educational and teaching quality, from 7th to 9th, November, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Primary Department held the on-site classroom teaching evaluation activities.
First of all, all teachers with the Primary Division participated in the contest, competing in their respective discipline group. After watching a video lesson, all teachers proceeded written class evaluation on the spot in accordance with the concept and requirements of the new curriculum standard as well as their own teaching practice. Most of the teachers were able to carry through pertinent appraisal towards the case study in terms of objective realization, teaching method, teaching aids, teaching atmosphere, students’ performance, teachers’ quality, existing problems in addition to improvement recommendations.
Second of all, the Primary Section held a seminar on classroom teaching evaluation last semester. However, this time before the competition, another training and learning program was organized. Considering that the contest was a practical activity after the learning and training activities, therefore, it was supposed to realize effectiveness. Besides, the contest was an inspection on teachers’ class evaluation level.
In brief, the Primary Department would invite judges to conduct rating process afterwards and elect winning prizes and honorable mention prizes. What’s more, the Primary Division shall proceed comprehensive summary on this job training campaign to let teachers understand how to evaluate classroom teaching by means of new concepts so that the contest can facilitate learning and the appraisal activities can promote teaching in the meantime.





